Camps and Hostels

Camping and residential activities have always formed an important part of the Woodcraft Folk programme. They are certainly some of the most memorable bits for many people and they are a great way to see our aims and principles in action.

Organising your first (or 101st) camp can seem a bit daunting, but there are lots of people who have shared there experiences for us all to learn from.

camps and hostels, from the Southwest Woodcraft website

Information for KPs (catering)
catering resources, from the main Woodcraft Folk website
support for KPs, write up from the 2011 SWAN KP training weekend
Camp catering cookbook, by West Coventry Woodcraft

Places to Stay
Woodcraft folk centres

Youth hostel Association
Biblins, youth campsite in the Forest of Dean
Wilderness Centre in the Forest of Dean
Wemborthy near Exeter
Goblins Coomb near Bristol